Congrats! You've registered for the Garden Planning Workshop!
Here's what to do now:


Check your email (including SPAM) for an email from with your login details to access the workshop recordings. If you have any trouble send me an email and we'll make sure you get access ASAP.


Claim your FREE BONUS month of access to your very own personal Click 'N Drop Gardening Calendar below on this page.

This is the FASTEST and EASIEST way to plan your garden that we know of. And to top it off, it is 100% risk free. No contract. No shenanigans. You can cancel anytime. So definitely give it a try and claim your free month of access below!

5 MINUTE Click 'N Drop

Garden Without Guesswork - ALL Year Round

Visualize exactly when to seed, transplant, or harvest crops for your local area, plan succession plantings without guesswork, and be prepared every week for your next garden tasks with automatic weekly checklists.

Get Your FREE Month
See a Free Demo

A Year-Round "Done for You" Planting Calendar
Based On Your Growing Zone*

It's like having a real farmer sit down and map out your whole garden for you. Because that's what we just did.

Yup! That means no more wondering when your tomatoes need to be planted, or when you should be transplanting your kale.

It's as simple as choosing what you want to grow and following a simple checklist each week - all based on your growing zone.

It's As Easy As Click 'N Drop


Just click (or tap) on a crop you'd like to grow. There are often multiple plantings to choose from.


Crop tasks drop into your calendar so you'll know exactly when to seed, prepare your garden bed, transplant, cultivate, harvest and more...


View your whole year, week, or month at a glance. Or switch to see a custom checklist of what to do each week.

Get Your FREE Month

What to Do. When to Do It.

Each time you drop a planting schedule for a specific crop into your calendar, it'll map out exactly when to seed it and estimate your harvest dates for you so you don't have to waste time and energy thinking about it.

But we decided to take it a step further.

Instead of just settling for seeding and harvesting, why not be reminded for other garden actions related to that crop? Like a reminder to get your garden bed prepared and ready before you seed or transplant into it, when to transplant, when to cultivate and/or check up on your veggies, and when and how to make a "stale seed bed" ahead of time to get a HUGE head start on the weeds for direct seeded veggies.

This isn't just your gardening calendar. It's your garden buddy reminding you of exactly what to do, and when to do it so you can just focus on the fun part - growing your veggies!

Detailed Instructions and Demonstration Videos at Your Fingertips

It's one thing to know when to seed or transplant your veggies. It's another thing to know exactly how to do it. And how to do it right - so that they thrive and you thrive.

That's why with every single action/task in our gardening calendars there are detailed instructions outlining exactly what to do, how to do it, and even links to videos walking step-by-step through the entire process. Like how to prepare your garden beds without breaking your back, how to keep your garden weed free in just minutes a week, or how to transplant your veggies so that they thrive.

In fact, we'll not only show you how to do each task, but we'll show you the best ways we know of to get the job done fast and with the least amount of effort (think less work, less stress, and less overwhelm). That's called satisfaction.

Easy Seeding or Harvest Filter

Ever wish you could plan your garden based off of when you want to be harvesting each veggie?

Or wish you could see your year at a glance and know what you should expect to be seeding or harvesting in a month or two months from now?

Now you can with our simple garden actions filter. Just choose which action you want to filter by and the whole calendar will only show you those actions.

So hey, want that quick overview of when each crop should to be seeded or harvested? It's just a click away...

Succession Planting. It Means More Harvest in Less Space.

One of the best ways to get the most out of your garden area is to grow multiple crops of the same veggie during your growing season.

Think about lettuce. You pick the head and it's done in 50 days. But why not grow another head of lettuce to take it's place? That's exactly what succession planting is and it'll sky rocket the amount of food you get from your garden.

And that's why we've built succession planting right into your calendar. Instead of just planting one crop, plant them in succession and you'll have a continual harvest through the season.

But it used to be super complicated to figure out exactly how to space out each succession planting. There's all kinds of variables to think about. How long will your harvest last for one planting? How long can this crop continue to grow and thrive in the growing season, what about in the winter when everything slows down?

Sound overwhelming? Yeah it can be! But don't sweat. That's exactly why we've done the math for you - all you have to do is click what you want to grow and you'll be up and running in no time.

Year Round Harvesting. Yup. We're Talking All Winter Long!

Ever wish you could be harvesting fresh veggies from your garden in the middle of the winter?

Now you can! In fact we'll teach you the most cost effective ways to grow mouth-watering veggies straight through the dead of winter without breaking your pocketbook.

And no, you don't have to have a full blown greenhouse with heaters running.

In most places in the USA you can grow year-round with simple protection measures. And now with our four season planting calendars you'll not only know when to plant your winter veggies, we'll even show you exactly how to keep them protected.

And if you live in one of the rarer locations where it just gets crazy - you'll still be able to at least extend your seasons by a good long ways into the winter.

Your Frost Zone

If you want to grow a garden any time during the spring, fall, or winter, then it's important to know when to expect freezing temperatures to hit.

That's why we've built into our calendars a simple frost guide so at a single glance you can know if your garden is liable to be hit by a frost or not.

No frost guide is perfect. We can't predict nature. But we can give an average and let you know when to look out for your location.

But we didn't stop there. For those serious about winter gardening we added a "hard frost zone" guide as well. That's when to keep an eye out for hard freezes down in the low 20s and below.

Quick Links to Our Favorite Varieties

Ever felt overwhelmed leafing through gardening catalogues trying to figure out which tomato variety to grow? Sometimes it's hard to know where to start.

That's why we've included links out to some of our favorite varieties for each of the crops.

Not only will these save you time trying to figure out which one to grow on your own, but now ordering your seeds from a reliable and safe seed company will only be a click away.


Get Your FREE Month

But There's More!
As A BETA Member You'll Also Get Full Access To:


Get instant online access to our entire Garden Training Library

The Garden Training Library includes over 160 teaching and demonstration videos, 170+ pages or worksheets, other downloadable documents, and more... with new training added every single month.

Our training videos will guide you step-by-step through every phase of growing your own vibrant food right in your backyard or patio, no matter where you live.


Every month we feature step-by-step short video lessons guiding members through our Gardening to Abundance Game Plan. This is the exact system we use that works over and over again to grow MORE nutrient packed veggies with LESS effort, stress or work.

These videos include teaching along with step-by-step instruction for specific gardening strategies that will get you to a desired end result. For example, how to keep your garden weed free without spending hours on your knees, how to deal with pests and diseases naturally, how to prepare a bed from scratch, and so much more...


You'll love this!

My sweet wife Natasha has put together short health spotlights highlighting the latest on health and food.

And to top it off she shares one of our favorite fresh garden recipes in each spotlight with you too! We'll try and highlight them as close as possible to what you'll be harvesting out of the garden at that time of the year.


Once a month you'll join us for our LIVE members meeting!

This is a fantastic time to come together LIVE, connect with other members and ask your questions. We'll personally be answering questions for as long as people stay on the meeting.

We'll also be sharing with you the latest we've been learning in the garden, a short video update of our garden and whenever we can, we like to spotlight one of your gardens!

Who knows... maybe you could be next? 🙂


Join us in our Private Facebook Group!

Connect with others. Get your questions answered. Help each other. And share your successes or trials. I mean, just look at Melissa's cucumber harvest! We'll be in there to keep things lively and help you out too.

This is where the action happens ALL month long. You see, we're not just building a community... we're growing a family.

In Our Garden Training We Guide You Through 4 Simple Steps To Abundance. Here's What You'll Learn In A Nutshell:

Gardening to Abundance Game Plan

Step 1:

You'll learn step-by-step:

How to improve your soil even if it's terribly clumpy, clayey or too sandy

How to take a soil test and know what kind of organic nutrients to use to make sure your plants are healthy (and the secret nutrient most people don't know about!)

How our garden map checklists completely eliminate the stress and overwhelm of trying to plan your garden when you're already running a tight ship

How to make beautiful high quality compost without it ever stinking up the neighbors yard (or yours for that matter!)

And more...

Step 2:

You'll learn step-by-step:

How to prepare beautiful garden beds from scratch without breaking your back

How often to add nutrients or compost to your garden so your plants stay health but without overdoing it

The exact plant spacing we use in our garden beds to maximize production every single time

How to grow young transplants that will thrive even if you're completely new at it

And more...

Step 3:

You'll learn step-by-step:

How to effortlessly keep your garden weed free without ever spending hours on your knees picking weeds

How to naturally deal with insect pests and diseases without ever using harmful chemicals that hurt you and the environment

How to water your garden using a simple system that will save you hours of time and gallons of water

How to know when to harvest your veggies and how to store them so that they'll last

And more...

Step 4:

You'll learn step-by-step:

How to have a fresh harvest of beautiful veggies straight through the winter even if you live in Washington, Michigan or Maine!

The simple system we use every year to protect our veggies in the cold months without breaking our pocketbook

The one simple trick to know which veggies grow well in the cold and which ones do best in the summer

How to beat the seasons using micro-climates to grow cold weather crops even in the summer

And more...

24/7, On-Demand Access. Anytime. Anywhere.

The training above represent more than 160 garden training and demonstration videos, 170+ pages of worksheets, notes and other downloadable articles and documents and over 75 resources... with more coming.

I know that sounds like a lot (and it is!) but don't worry - we'll be guiding you through the gardening season one step at a time so it's never overwhelming.

Get Your FREE Month


No matter where you are in your gardening journey... we have something for you. And since we don't believe in tooting our own horn (ok, we do a little bit), here are REAL members telling you, in their own words, what they enjoy most about Born to Grow:

"I just wanted to tell you Paul thank you for the garden plan you have posted on the website. I have never planted in blocks before -always in rows. But my garden is looking so pretty. Less rows to weed. Plants seem to like each other when in groupings. Thanks for making my gardening experience such a joy! And when I realized that my soil has a lot of clay in it causing a crusty surface not easily absorbing applied moisture, I've been trenching /side dressing around the plants with composted organic soil.  Moisture now easily transfers to roots. Wow what a difference good soil makes to the plants health! My 2 eggplants were dropping blossoms, and flea beetles chewing holes in leaves. Within a few days after side dressing, they have put on many blossoms, hardly any flea beetles, and many healthy leaves -looking good."

Jennifer Lingerfelt
Illinois USA

"This is my fourth year of gardening, and I learn new things every year. Born to Grow has provided me with so much useful instruction that I’m implementing. The classes and videos are easy to understand, the material is well-researched, and the instruction is practical. I look forward to having my best garden yet!"

Joelle McNulty - Tennessee USA

"We have been gardening for a number of years now but I have felt like we didn’t know enough. Books are good in and of themselves but to actually see the steps to good gardening methods in video was very helpful and will be useful in the years to come. I’ve learned so much from planning my garden, helpful garden tools, soil prep, planting, watering, trellising, and cool tips along the way such as how to have the best tasting tomato and fruit tricks. Love the resources too."

Heidi and Randy Prewitt
California USA

"I tried implementing what I learned through the school this summer from seed to harvest and we had some good success, which really made me like a happy kid again. It was a small garden space, about 20’ x 12’, but we this year harvested a good amount of cherry tomatoes, medium size tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, Korean hot peppers, Russian kale, Swiss chard, lettuce, green beans, dill, eggplant, and other plants I don’t know the English name for. Unfortunately, some crops didn’t make it to fruit, but I was too happy with the ones that did to complain. There was a very noticeable difference in the amount of fruitage this year compared to last year. I’m convinced myself now that a large part of it was because of the soil preparation as suggested at the start of spring (maybe would have been better if I started earlier in winter). But overall, I really got to see how God can bless by following the simple yet powerful principles He designed in nature. I really got to give credit where credit is due, so I thank God and thank you for sharing the knowledge and wisdom to the masses."

Roy Kim - New York USA

"I have never done a garden before and found the idea a little overwhelming.  Then I found Born to Grow.  I have been given a road map to successful gardening.  Just by following the Plug and Play Garden Plan and the instructional videos I not only feel capable to do a garden but excited to watch each step blossom.  But, that is not all!  Paul has been there for me through email for my specific questions and the recommended source materials are indispensable. Not to mention the monthly web meetings where I can learn more and interact with my fellow "gardeners".  I have really become a gardener thanks to Born To Grow."

Jan Johnson - USA

04 - 067"I recently became a member of the Born to Grow community.  I grew up growing a big garden with my parents and I am very passionate about gardening as an adult.  Though I consider myself to be a somewhat experienced gardener, I cannot even tell you how much I've learned already from the gardening courses.  For example, I never realized how much there is to know about soil health!  Just today my kids and I counted the # of worms in a square foot of our garden dirt.  It was a lot of fun - and told us a lot about our soil.  I would've never known to do this had it not been for being a part of the Born to Grow community.  I have learned many other things about soil testing, winter gardening, greenhouse gardening, and soil blocking, all of which I can't wait to try.  I'm looking forward to learning more from Paul and the team at Born to Grow so I can become a more efficient gardener and provide even more organic produce for my family.  I would recommend this course to anyone - whether an experienced gardener or someone just getting started!"

LaRee Colburn - Nebraska USA

"Because I know very little about gardening, (but love to grow things,) this Born to Grow Gardening Course [included in Garden Launch] is an absolute must for me! Paul Dysinger seems to know more, and willingly share more than anyone that I have ever come across. And he makes it all so easy and accessible. I would gladly pay for this course over again. It is worth every dime! Also, I go at so slow a pace that it is comforting that all the information remains available to me."

Cynthia Jackson - Washington USA
Accidental Masterpiece

"I have enjoyed this course very much. I especially liked the fact that God was brought into the course. That has been a great blessing. All the information will be so helpful in my garden this year. Now I just need winter to be over!"

Debbie Schwartz - Canada

James pic"Born to Grow has been a real blessing to me to help me stay connected to others who are growing their own veggies or at least want to.  I have been a gardener for about 30 years and I still learn things from Paul and his dad.  If I had a son, I'd like to have as good a working relationship as they do.  I'm working with my grandson who is four.  Born to Grow is a great way to get reliable knowledge about organic gardening.

James Hunt - 004 - web

I moved to an apartment building in Chattanooga, TN in July.  There was only one small space in the yard that got much sun so I put in an 8 foot by 4 foot garden of Russian kale, Georgia southern collards, and black seeded Simpson lettuce in September.  By November, the shadow from the apartment building next door shaded the garden by 2:30pm onward.  The lettuce needed more sun and didn't do well, but the kale and collards did well all winter.  I covered the bed with a single layer of plastic over pvc hoops. I ate fresh greens all winter.  The collards started to bolt the first of March, so I pulled them out and cooked them; sweet!  The kale is still growing strong, but I have started new plants to replace everything since the kale will probably bolt also."

James Hunt - Tennessee USA

"I was very excited when I came across Paul Dysinger’s Born to Grow Organic Gardening Course a few months ago when it was first released [in 2013]. Even in the introductory videos before I purchased the course I really liked Paul’s down-to-earth style and friendly presentation manner.

The course itself is awesome… Paul keeps working to improve not only the information he is providing but also the Members area which is really easy to find your way around.

Another thing I particularly appreciate is he has taken a lot of care to make sure the video presentations are of a superb quality.

Being a keen gardener myself, I am always looking to learn more, and I strongly recommend the Born to Grow course to anyone interested in Organic Gardening. Regardless of your level of experience, or the room you have to garden, I am sure you will benefit from this training for years to come…"

Lynne Carey - Australia
Urban Garden Survival


Get Set Up With Your Own Gardening Calendar Now

Straightforward, all-inclusive pricing

Everything you need to build your healthy organic garden is ready for you. Your very own 5 minute Click 'N Drop Gardening Calendar, affordable advice, support and training all in one place for less than $1/day.  Simple plan to meet your every need. Cancel anytime.

NOTICE! If are currently impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and cannot afford a membership because of financial hardship and difficulty - please sign up below for your free month and then contact us by email to apply for extended trial options. We've got your back and are here to help in this time of difficulty.

Your Own Personal 5 Minute Click ’N Drop Gardening Calendar Based on Your Local Area
Gardening Master Class Video Lessons
Instant access to our Entire Garden Training Library of 160+ training and demonstration videos covering all aspects of starting and growing a thriving vegetable garden
Health Spotlights and Garden Recipes
Monthly LIVE Meetings with Q+A Time
Access Past LIVE Recordings
BONUS Private Facebook Group Access
BONUS Plug and Play Garden Plan
No Contract. You Can Cancel At Any Time.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee


FREE for 1 Month

then $10/month OR $80/year
(Same as 4 months FREE)

No Contract. You can cancel at anytime.
  • Your Own Personal 5 Minute Click ’N Drop Gardening Calendar Based on Your Local Area
  • Gardening Master Class Video Lessons
  • Instant access to our Entire Garden Training Library of 160+ training and demonstration videos covering all aspects of starting and growing a thriving vegetable garden
  • Health Spotlights and Garden Recipes
  • Monthly LIVE Meetings with Q+A Time
  • Access Past LIVE Recordings
  • BONUS Private Facebook Group Access
  • BONUS Plug and Play Garden Plan
  • No Contract. You Can Cancel At Any Time.
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee


On top of everything else, we'll shoulder ALL of the risk for you with our DOUBLE LAYER Rock Solid Guarantee.

LAYER ONE - 30 Day Guarantee:

Either you love the training and the calendars and it saves you a TON of time planning your garden and keeping everything organized... OR you can have a full refund within 30 days of joining. Just make sure to send us a note by email letting us know you'd like to get the refund within the first 30 days after joining.

LAYER TWO - 1 Year Guarantee:

We are completely confident that when you join and follow our step-by-step system you'll experience the joy of harvesting MORE veggies that taste better than ever before. And all with LESS work or stress.

In fact, we are confident enough to back it up with your money. So, if for some reason you follow all of our training advice and at the end of a year look back and haven't seen an improvement in your harvest or if it didn't save you any work - simply send us an email showing us that you put the training to the test and what you did (give us some proof that you used the training with some pictures of your garden, the soil test you did etc.) and ask for a refund.

Honestly, if the training didn't work for you, then it was a waste of your time and you shouldn't have to pay for it. So we'll back it up and give you a full refund no questions asked.

Hey, we're confident that's not going to happen and that's why we're willing to hold such a rock solid guarantee. The risk is on us. Sound fair?


It's About TRUST

Trust really is everything... whether you are investing one dollar or a thousand dollars. We are REAL people. We have hundreds of REAL members.

My name is Paul Dysinger and this is my wife Natasha. I've been gardening all my life since I was just a little tyke and my mom got me to grow some artichokes in the backyard. Later my family moved to Tennessee, where my Dad, Edwin joined my Uncle John in running our small scale organic family farm... where we grow over 70 varieties of vegetables, herbs and berries - all year round.

There have been lots of lessons over the years... not only in our own experience, but as we've taught and learned from others as well.

And now, years later, I live off-grid with my wife Natasha surrounded by some of the most beautiful countryside in middle TN. Together with my Dad, Edwin we love helping others learn how to grow their own nutrient dense food from their own backyards.

Come on in... the water is mighty fine.

The Born to Grow Community Pledge

We promise to deliver straightforward training and advice showing you how to set up a productive and healthy garden to grow your own nutrient dense organic food. We promise to treat you just like we treat our own family. And we promise there is no hype. If the training doesn't improve your harvest and save you time and work in the garden we back it up with our 1 Year Rock Solid Guarantee. All of the risk is squarely on our shoulders... where it belongs.

Get Your FREE Month

* DISCLAIMER: Our gardening calendars are based on frost date averages. Unfortunately we can't taylor them to your EXACT location at this time but we have done the best we can to go on averages across the USA for what we consider the "frost zone" you are living in. We are also in BETA testing mode right now so we cannot promise that every planting schedule will be correct. When you choose to join you are doing so with the understanding that you are part of the testing process helping us know what works and what doesn't. We haven't lived in every single growing zone so we have done our best to base all the planting schedules off of the knowledge we have both from our own experience and that we have gleaned through others growing in different areas. And finally, there are definitely many factors completely outside of our control that may affect your garden and how well these calendars work for you such as your local weather, the amount of care you put into taking care of your garden, your soil condition, etc. Because of that we cannot promise any specific results. Consider these calendars as a general guide to save you time and give you a plan to work from - but not as a guarantee of success.